
Morte del celebre arbitro di Fly Tennis Enzo Pisciotta.

Enzo Pisciotta, who, along with his brother Gino, was the heart and symbol of the Fly Tennis for 34 years, has passed away. The historic courts on via Autonomia Siciliana were closed in 2018. Enzo, who was 60 years old and leaves behind six children, was an institution at Fly Tennis. He arbitrated, entertained, organized, and maintained public relations. He was greatly loved by those who frequented the courts. The closure of the courts in 2018, due to the expiration of the contract with the Orthodox priests of the eparchy of Piana degli Albanesi, was a devastating blow for Enzo. He struggled to find work after becoming unemployed, working as a mason and gardener, but he felt abandoned. His funeral will take place on Tuesday morning in his neighborhood, Villaggio Ruffini. Enzo’s brother describes him as a caring person with a beautiful character, and even though he was 60 years old, it felt like he was still 25.

L’ultimo fischio di Enzo Pisciotta: è morto l’arbitro e volto simbolo del Fly Tennis

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