
Ex funzionario Asp di Agrigento rinviato a giudizio per rapporti sessuali in cambio di patente.

Saverio Saverino, a retired employee of the special driver’s license office in Agrigento, Italy, has been ordered to stand trial on charges of attempted inducement, attempted sexual assault, and illicit trafficking of influences. The allegations stem from a period between 2017 and 2019, during which Saverino allegedly made explicit sexual propositions to women in exchange for the reinstatement of their suspended driver’s licenses. The trial is scheduled for November 20th, and Saverino has appointed defense attorney Diego Galluzzo to represent him. The alleged victims consistently rejected Saverino’s advances.

“Rapporti sessuali in cambio della patente ritirata”, rinviato a giudizio ex funzionario Asp di Agrigento

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