
L’incubo di Simona: “Il mio stalker è stato rilasciato. Devo aspettare che mi uccida?”

Simona Vella, 40 years old, a volunteer for the Caritas diocesan of Agrigento, has been living a nightmare for the past eight years. Her stalker, a 27-year-old man, has recently been released and continues to harass her. Despite previous warnings and restraining orders, the stalker has resumed his actions, including creating fake profiles on social media and contacting people close to Simona. Despite being deemed dangerous and spending three years in prison for stalking, the stalker was ultimately declared unable to comprehend his actions and was acquitted. Simona expresses her disbelief and frustration at the lack of protection from the legal system.

L’incubo di Simona: «Il mio stalker è tornato libero. Devo aspettare che mi uccida?»

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