
Agostino, alfieri di un borgo siciliano, resiste mentre il paese si svuota.

Agostino Messineo, a 33-year-old resident of Petralia Soprana, Sicily, explains his choice to stay in his hometown rather than leave like many others. He is the president of the activist organization Cittadinanza Attiva Petralia Soprana and is committed to improving the quality of life in the village. He is also an author and the creator of the Comet Poesia Festival, which aims to promote the cultural and human resources of the area. Agostino believes that the choices made by global powers are not necessarily acceptable or sustainable for everyone and that local actors, such as citizens, administrators, and business owners, should reflect on the present and future of their communities. He emphasizes the importance of preserving the cultural and human heritage of small communities and promoting tourism in order to combat depopulation. Agostino also organizes “Ecological Mornings”, aimed at cleaning up areas of the town that suffer from neglect. He also offers a unique form of guided tours, called “Narrando Petra”, in which he shares his knowledge of the town’s history and anecdotes with visitors. Agostino believes that small communities should not be allowed to die out and that they are an important part of Italian culture. He sees hope for the future as more people choose to buy houses in his town, signaling a potential reversal in depopulation trends.

Il suo paese si svuota ma lui vuole restare: chi è Agostino “alfiere” di un borgo in Sicilia

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