
Denuncia familiari: medico ucciso da albero sull’autostrada.

Francesco Maniaci, a 43h a fallen tree, resulting in a fatal impact. Now, Maniaci’s family has filed a complaint with the Prosecutor’s Office, accusing the Sicilian Highways Consortium of aggravated manslaughter. The incident occurred near Campofelice di Roccella, and Maniaci’s sister has called for clarity on the conditions of Sicilian highways, as her brother had previously raised concerns on Facebook. The Codacons, a consumer protection organization, had also filed a complaint, emphasizing the potential for even greater consequences if the fallen tree had hit a bus or caused a chain reaction of accidents. The responsibility for tree stability and maintenance along the roadway, as well as potential preventive measures, must be investigated to determine if Maniaci’s death could have been prevented. It remains unclear if Maniaci collided with the tree or if the trunk fell on him during the incident.

Il medico ucciso da un albero sulla Palermo-Messina, i familiari denunciano il Cas

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