
Messina: arancino record di 56 chili, il più grande mai realizzato.

Stefano and Davide Ferro of the Panyllo Bakery have set a new world record for the largest arancino at the “Megarancino, the world’s largest arancino: there’s a story inside” event in Messina. The giant arancino weighed 56.2 kg and measured 60 cm in height and 55 cm in diameter, surpassing the previous record of 32.7 kg set in Catania in 2019. The event was supported by the Municipality of Messina and Confcommercio Messina. The cooking, weighing, and ingredient verification of the arancino were closely monitored by judge Lorenzo Veltri and other officials. Stefano and Davide Ferro expressed their joy and gratitude to everyone who supported them in achieving this prestigious international title. The event also featured a gastronomic park in Piazza Duomo, where visitors could taste the new Messenion arancino made with ingredients from various municipalities. There was also a dog show and performances by local artists.

A Messina realizzato l’arancino più grande del mondo, pesa più di 56 chili dalla Sicilia

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