
Genitori del Palermitano negano violenza familiare di gruppo.

In Sicily, Italy, a mother and father are being questioned in court regarding the alleged abuse their daughters suffered for years within their family. The parents denied any knowledge of the abuse, allegedly committed by the girls’ uncle and grandfather. The parents’ lawyer plans to appeal the precautionary measures against them, while the uncle and grandfather have chosen not to respond to any questions. The four individuals were arrested by the police on charges of sexual violence, group sexual violence, and physical harm against minors under 10 years old. The investigation, led by prosecutor Maurizio de Lucia, revealed repeated instances of sexual violence occurring between 2011 and 2023. The mother is accused of tolerating and facilitating the abuse, attempting to cover up the responsibility of her relatives. Following the revelation of the abuse by one of the victims’ support teacher, the girls were removed from their family and placed in a community.

Violenza sessuale

Un riassunto del contenuto sulla violenza sessuale potrebbe essere: “Questo contenuto affronta il problema della violenza sessuale, illustrando le sue gravi conseguenze per le vittime e l’importanza di una cultura che respinge e punisce tali abusi.”

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