
Tragico incidente stradale a Cinisi: anziano motociclista perde la vita, città colma di dolore.

Antonino Curcurù, a 72-year-old man from Palermo, Italy, tragically lost his life on the state highway 113 in Terrasini, Sicily. Contrary to initial speculations of a traffic accident, it was determined by the carabinieri that there were no other vehicles involved. The medical examiner concluded that he died from a heart attack. Curcurù was riding his motorcycle at the time of the incident and managed to pull over before collapsing on the road. Despite the immediate response from emergency services, he could not be saved. The news of his death has deeply saddened the community of Cinisi, where he resided. Known for his friendly and kind nature, Curcurù was remembered as a great person who loved traveling, sports, and animals. His son paid tribute to him, calling him a wonderful parent, an extraordinary life teacher, and a profound humanist. Funeral services will be held in the church of Piano Peri in Cinisi.

Malore fatale: Cinisi in lacrime per il motociclista di 72 anni morto lungo la statale

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