
Bruxelles’ attacker landed in Lampedusa and was identified in Porto Empedocle

Abdesalem Lassoued, the Tunisian man who killed two people in a terrorist attack in Brussels, is believed to have arrived in Italy through Lampedusa in 2011 before later making his way to Sweden. He was photographed in Porto Empedocle in January 2011 for illegal entry into Italy, possibly after landing in Lampedusa. He returned to Torino in 2014 as a “Dublin” case and was subsequently flagged by Italian intelligence as a radicalized individual, ready to join the jihad. Lassoued was currently living in Belgium, and it is speculated that he targeted two Swedes in retaliation for his expulsion from Sweden. The Digos of the Agrigento Police Headquarters was able to confirm Lassoued’s arrival in Lampedusa by comparing his fingerprints, despite him using a different alias. All adult migrants who arrive in Italy, whether in Lampedusa or elsewhere, are fingerprinted for identification purposes. These fingerprints will help determine when and where the immigrant entered Italy, despite the use of multiple aliases.

Terrorismo, l’attentatore di Bruxelles era sbarcato a Lampedusa e fotosegnalato a Porto Empedocle

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