
Ragazzo palermitano si difende dallo stupro: «Mi sono sentito scioccato, poteva essere mia sorella». Tuttavia, era lui a filmare l’aggressione.

Angelo Flores, the main suspect in a rape case in Palermo, Italy, has claimed that it was “the boys” who committed the act. Flores, along with six others, is accused of raping a 19h the victim, evidence shows that he filmed the group rape. Flores admitted being present during the incident but claimed to have been shocked and not participating. He described the situation as seven boys on top of a girl, stating that she could have been his sister. The victim, who has been transferred to a community for her safety, will be heard by the judge in a probative incident on October 3rd.

Stupro di Palermo, uno dei ragazzi si difende: «Ero scioccato, poteva essere mai sorella». Ma a filmare era lui

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