
Fibrillazioni nella Lega, Anello reclama spazio ma Figuccia non vuole mollare.

Forza Italia is calling for the replacement of government officials who no longer represent the party, while the Democrazia Cristiana demands fair representation in the government. The Lega party is also experiencing internal tensions, which could lead to a collapse. The Lega’s only representative in the Lagalla Council, Sabrina Figuccia, is being pressured by Alessandro Anello to step down and make way for him. However, Figuccia is reluctant to leave as her brother was not appointed to the regional Council. This disagreement has caused internal conflict within the Lega, with Anello considering a possible departure from the party. Anello could potentially join the Democrazia Cristiana or the mayor’s council group. The final decision will be made at the Lega’s party celebration event in Caltanissetta, attended by leader Matteo Salvini. Lagalla is closely following the situation, as his council group has recently lost members to other parties and is in need of reinforcement. Anello could be one of the new additions to the group.

Rimpasto di Giunta al Comune, fibrillazioni nella Lega: Anello reclama spazio ma Figuccia non vuole mollare

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