
Andrea Lo Castro, escluso dall’Ordine, non è più avvocato.

Andrea Lo Castro, a welliated due to his violation of criminal laws. The cancellation of his registration comes as the trial for his involvement in the “Default” operation is nearing its end. Lo Castro was considered one of the most respected lawyers in the Messina area before his arrest. He is accused of playing a key role in the activities of the Mafia association. The “Beta” operation, which led to Lo Castro’s conviction, was conducted by the DDA and the Carabinieri, based on the confessions of a pentito named Biagio Grasso. The operation revealed connections between the Romeo family in Messina and the Santapaola family in Catania. Lo Castro’s prison sentence may be subject to probation, and the details will be worked out through the Ufficio esecuzione penale esterna (Uepe) in Messina.

Messina: Dopo il carcere Andrea Lo Castro non è più avvocato. Cancellato dall’Ordine

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