Mazara del Vallo, omicidio Marisa preparato: autopsia lunedì.

Il fratello di Marisa Leo: «La figlia non sa ancora che la mamma è stata uccisa, le abbiamo detto che è fuori per lavoro»Il fratello di Marisa Leo: «La figlia non sa ancora che la mamma è stata uccisa, le abbiamo detto che è fuori per lavoro»

Angelo Reina committed a premeditated murder by shooting his ex-partner Marisa Leo with a 22 caliber rifle, before killing himself with the same weapon. This information was revealed by investigations carried out by the Trapani mobile unit. Reina had rented a car in recent weeks, in which police found additional bullets from the same gun used to kill the woman. Inside the Porsche Cayenne used during the murder-suicide, police also found the rifle and an illegally possessed pistol. Reina had lured Leo to the crime scene using their daughter as bait, whom he had entrusted to elderly relatives. Reina had also hired a private investigator to follow his ex-partner, who revealed this detail to the police. The investigator’s information helped shed light on why the reconciled couple, who had even gone on a trip to Vinitaly together, had developed new problems after Leo withdrew her complaint in January 2022. The autopsy, yet to be carried out, will provide additional information in this closed case. Journalist Selvaggia Lucarelli shared messages exchanged with Leo, highlighting her courage in leaving Reina just 20 days after their daughter was born, fully aware of the consequences. Salemi, Leo’s hometown, is mobilizing against domestic violence in her honor, with the mayor initiating training programs in local schools and organizing a march on September 15th.


I femminicidi sono un tragico fenomeno che coinvolge la violenza di genere e porta alla morte di molte donne ogni anno. È urgente affrontare questo problema e lavorare per porre fine alla violenza contro le donne.

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