Il triste addio all’ingegnere Curione scuote le Madonie

Alimena and the entire Madonie community mourn the death of engineer Antonio Curione, who passed away at the age of 71. Curione was born on September 13, 1952, and after becoming a qualified engineer in the early 1980s, he began teaching in Petralie and other municipalities in the area. He then moved to Polizzi Generosa, where he taught Construction for over thirty years and retired a few years ago. Curione was zealous and passionate, juggling his teaching career with his private practice. He was also actively involved in social life, serving as a member and president of the Lions Club Madonie. Former students, colleagues, and friends have expressed deep condolences, respect, and affection for Curione, recalling him as a man and professor with a generous heart and remarkable intelligence, particularly dedicated to listening and an endless source of advice and new knowledge. The funeral will be held at the Alimena Mother Church today at 3:30 PM.

Le Madonie piangono l’ingegnere prof, è morto Antonio Curione

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