
Caldo estremo e consumo energetico, a Palermo blackout ricorrenti. Un commerciante: “Danni per 10 mila euro”

A Palermo, there are persistent blackouts that are causing disruption and frustration for residents and businesses. Many areas of the city are affected, and the Enel helpline is overwhelmed with calls. The situation is particularly critical in Sferracavallo, Tommaso Natale, Mondello, the city center, and Corso Calatafimi. Local businesses, such as the Solleone sandwich shop, are suffering from the power outages, resulting in canceled reservations and financial losses. Some stores have resorted to renting generators to maintain service during blackouts. The Vice Mayor of Palermo, Carolina Varchi, has expressed concern and plans to investigate Enel’s ability to address the issue. The city is also investing in public lighting and energy efficiency and expects Enel to improve their supply and distribution capacity.

Caldo e consumi elettrici, a Palermo blackout continui. Un commerciante: «Danni per 10 mila euro»

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