
Auto rubate ai fedeli in chiesa: prete esasperato

Don Salvatore Petralia, a priest of the San Giovanni Apostolo parish in Cep, has expressed his frustration over the frequent theft of cars belonging to churchgoers and residents in the area. In a statement posted on the parish’s social media page, he calls on the thieves to repent and change their behaviors. He also appeals to the authorities for help in addressing the numerous problems afflicting the neighborhood, including drug dealing, noise disturbances, and the lack of cleanliness. Don Petralia emphasizes the need to cultivate a new social consciousness that promotes peace, respect, and hope. He urges individuals not to turn a blind eye to these issues and reminds them of the words of Father Puglisi, “If everyone does something, much can be accomplished.” The priest ends his message by exclaiming, “Long live the Cep neighborhood, with its many beautiful families.”

Al Cep auto rubate ai fedeli mentre sono in chiesa, il prete perde la pazienza: “Ora basta, è intollerabile”

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