
Condannato uomo di Casteltermini per violenza su compagna incinta

Violence against pregnant woman: a man from Casteltermini sentenced to 3 years and 4 months in prison

Kicks, punches, slaps, and insults towards his partner for seven months and during the pregnancy. A 42-year-old man from Casteltermini has been sentenced for charges of domestic abuse and aggravated personal injuries. The judges of the second criminal section, presided over by Wilma Angela Mazzara, sentenced him to 3 years and 4 months in prison. The facts at the center of the trial date back to the period from October 2021 to the following May.

Continuous abuse and confinement

The man, often in the grip of alcohol, would have denigrated, beaten, and subjected his pregnant partner to continuous harassment. Even the unborn child would have been the target of insults, being referred to as a “bastard” several times.

According to the accusation, the woman was forced to stay in their home and was effectively confined. On May 25, 2022, the most serious incident occurred: after a quarrel, the defendant allegedly attacked his wife with kicks and punches, grabbing her by the hair and throwing her to the ground. He then tried to throw her down the stairs and only stopped when she pleaded with him, fearing for the safety of their child. The man’s reaction was chilling, as he referred to the unborn child as a “bastard” and wished that she would lose the baby because of it.

– maltrattamenti e lesioni personali
– denigrato, picchiato e sottoposto la compagna
– segregata e aggredito

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