Valguarnera, killer operaio scomparso dopo 6 giorni di ricerche

Guglielmo Ruisi, a 51h the murder of Salvatore Roberto Scammacca, a 47y, has been missing for six days and his Mercedes, which he used to flee the scene after shooting Scammacca three times, has also not been found. The police, including the Sicilian Barracks Squadron, have been searching for him, but so far there have been no leads. It is believed that Ruisi may have gotten rid of his phone, as the interceptions on his phone have yielded no results. The murder of Scammacca occurred during a dispute between the two men, which dates back to 2018 when they argued over a carnival float. Scammacca was shot while driving his Panda car and lost control, crashing into a fruit seller’s van and injuring the vendor and an elderly customer, Nunzia Arena, who later died in the hospital. Scammacca’s body has been returned to his family, and his funeral, as well Nunzia Arena’s, will be held tomorrow in Valguarnera. Meanwhile, Ruisi remains at large.

Valguarnera, la lunga fuga del killer dell’operaio: ricerche da 6 giorni ma sembra essersi volatilizzato

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