Siglato accordo tra Akademia Città Di Messina e Ufficio Scolastico Territoriale per “Akademia Challenge”.

Akademia Città Di Messina, a women’s volleyball club in Sicily, recently signed a partnership agreement with the Regional School Office of Messina. The agreement, named “Studenti e Pallavolo Idea Scuolaies in schools, enhancing students’ key citizenship and social skills, and spreading the culture of sportsmanship and fair play. Additionally, a project titled “Akademia Sant’Anna Challenge” was presented, which offers high school students the opportunity to develop teamwork, sports, and managerial skills through volleyball. The club seeks to strengthen its ties with the community and expand its youth development program through this partnership. President Fabrizio Costantino expressed excitement and gratitude for the agreement, stating that they envision many shared initiatives that will benefit all participating students.

Siglato il protocollo d’intesa triennale tra Akademia Città Di Messina e l’Ufficio Scolastico Territoriale. Al via “Akademia Challenge” Autore: Città di Messina

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