
Siccità: Acqua razionata in 2 province siciliane

Il Piano contro la siccità

Una decisione necessaria in seguito alla modifica del livello di “severità idrica” dell’Isola, che da “basso” è passato a “medio”. Negli ultimi due mesi, infatti, le temperature si sono mantenute al di sopra della media e le precipitazioni, a parte qualche sporadico evento a novembre, sono state assenti. Condizioni atmosferiche che hanno contribuito ad aggravare una situazione che nel periodo estivoica. Per quanto riguarda il settore idropotabile, l’Osservatorio ha stabilito che Siciliacque, gestore del sovrambito, dovrà elaborare un piano di riduzione dei prelievi dall’invaso Fanaco, attivare le procedure per l’acquisizione della concessione del pozzo in falda Favara di Burgio, autorizzare l’incremento dell’utilizzo delle risorse dall’invaso Ragoleto, procedere, infine, a completare gli studi per l’utilizzo della falda in prossimità del Montescuro Est. L’Assemblea territoriale Idrica di Agrigento (ATI), inoltre, dovrà attuare un piano di emergenza che punti a individuare fonti alternative e a ridurre le perdite idriche.

In this article, we discuss the measures taken by the Permanent Observatory of Water Uses in Sicily to combat the water crisis in the provinces of Agrigento and Caltanissetta. The President of the Sicilian Region, Renato Schifani, has instituted this organization to address the scarcity of rainfall in recent months.

One of the main actions taken by the Observatory is the rationalization of resources and more efficient water supply for the population. This is in response to the modification of the “water severity” level of the island, which has changed from “low” to “medium”. The aboveation in the last two months have further exacerbated the already critical situation.

In terms of drinking water supply, the Observatory has mandated Siciliacque, the water management company, to develop a plan to reduce water withdrawals from the Fanaco reservoir. Additionally, they have been tasked with acquiring the concession of the Favara di Burgio groundwater well, authorizing the increased use of resources from the Ragoleto reservoir, and completing studies for the use of groundwater near Montescuro Est.

The Agrigento Water Assembly (ATI) has also been instructed to implement an emergency plan to identify alternative water sources and reduce water losses. These proactive measures aim to mitigate the impact of the water crisis on the local population.

As the situation continues to evolve, it is crucial for all stakeholders to work together to address the challenges posed by the water shortage. By implementing sustainable water management practices and exploring alternative water sources, the region can better manage future water crises and ensure the wells residents.

This article serves as a reminder of the importance of responsible water usage and the need for proactive measures to address environmental challenges. It is essential for governments and communities to come together to safeguard this precious resource for current and future generations.

à in provincia di Agrigento e Caltanissetta

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