Muore donna di 56 anni durante colonscopia: aperta inchiesta

Giovanni Giannone, a 56al in Modica, Italy. The unexpected death during a common medical procedure has prompted an investigation by authorities. Giannone had no known preions that would have put him at risk during the procedure. His wife, who was present at the hospital, became alarmed when doctors and nurses started rushing around, only to later be informed of her husband’s death from a sudden heart attack. Dissatisfied with the explanation, she filed a complaint with the local police, leading to an investigation for possible involuntary manslaughter. The medical records and the staff involved in the procedure have been seized for further investigation. An autopsy will be conducted to determine the cause of death and shed light on any potential negligence. Giovanni Giannone, a financial consultant, leaves behind his wife and three children.

Ragusa, 56enne muore durante la colonscopia: procura apre un’inchiesta

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