Palermo, l’impegno dei cittadini per via Ingrassia: si trasformerà in un’area di socialità.

Via Ingrassia, a secondary road in Palermo, is being transformed from a gray area with parked cars and trash into a vibrant community space with games for children, benches for socializing, bike racks, and green spaces. The project, supported by the Addiopizzo Committee, aims to create a safe and welcoming area for students and residents. The space will be funded through a donation campaign and will be the second of three recreational areas planned for the Kalsa-mare route, connecting the Kalsa neighborhood to the sea. This project emphasizes the importance of public spaces in fostering community and healthy lifestyles. The goal is to create a space where people can come together, grow, and enjoy leisure activities. The collaboration between various stakeholders, including parents, teachers, artisans, and local businesses, has been crucial in shaping the project and promoting community involvement. This initiative represents a step towards redesigning the mobility in the area, promoting alternative uses of public spaces and considering the needs of pedestrians and cyclists. The success of the project may serve as a prototype for future urban transformations.

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