Trentacinquenne muore a Palermo in incidente stradale in bici

Hasan Ruhel, a 35-year-old man from Bangladesh, tragically died in a cycling accident in Palermo. The incident occurred around 2:30 am on Via Messina Marine, near Buccheri la Ferla Hospital. According to the municipal police, Ruhel was hit by a 24-year-old driver in a Fiat 500 who was on his way to work. Despite the intervention of emergency services, Ruhel could not be saved. The driver claims he did not see Ruhel, possibly due to poor lighting, and tested negative for alcohol. However, he may still face charges of vehicular manslaughter. Investigations are ongoing.

Incidenti stradali

Gli incidenti stradali sono una causa comune di morte e lesioni. Spesso dovuti a comportamenti imprudenti, come eccesso di velocità e guida in stato d’ebbrezza. È importante praticare la sicurezza stradale per ridurre al minimo i rischi.

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