Polizia di Stato e ANM a Catania per raccolta straordinaria di sangue – Sicilia Report

DonatoriNati and ANM, with the sponsorship of the Court of Appeal of Catania and the Catania Court, have organized a blood drive to commemorate Judge Rosario Angelo Livatino. The event, called “From Donated Blood to Shed Blood,” will take place on September 21 in front of the Palace of Justice in Catania. Magistrates, firefighters, and police officers are encouraged to participate and set an example by donating blood. The initiative aims to highlight the importance of donation and remember Judge Livatino, who emphasized the need to protect and save lives. The President of DonatoriNati, Claudio Saltari, emphasizes the message that “donating blood means donating life.” The President of ANM Catania, Dr. Alessandro Rizzo, highlights how the judge’s legacy teaches us the significance of giving to others to make the world a better place.

DonatoriNati Polizia di Stato – ANM: Raccolta straordinaria di sangue – Catania – Sicilia Report

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