Leonforte onora Andrea Manganaro, contro la mafia.

Andrea Manganaro, a vice police commissioner who worked in the Leonforte police station for nearly nine years, disappeared in a tragic hunting accident on October 4, 2003. He was known for his bravery and determination in catching criminals, risking his life, career, and family. Manganaro was supported by a group of colleagues who also took risks to help him, including Stefano Genovese, Mario Patania, Sebastiano De Salvo, and Stefania Montò. They were successful in capturing prominent members of the mafia in Messina, demonstrating Manganaro’s investigative skills and ability to choose capable partners. To honor his memory, a ceremony called “Diamo un calcio alla mafia” (Let’s kick the mafia) will take place in Leonforte. The event, organized by the Pro Loco, will include speeches from Manganaro’s friend Paolo Mineo and former mayor Salvo La Porta. Giuseppe Travagliante, the current commissioner of the Leonforte police station, and Pro Loco president José Trovato will also speak at the event. Trovato, who worked with Manganaro as a crime reporter, praised Manganaro’s dedication and effectiveness in fighting organized crime. The ceremony will be followed by a soccer match between students and various law enforcement and municipal organizations. Despite Manganaro’s premature death, his story continues to inspire and remind us of the injustice of fate.

Diamo un calcio alla mafia: Leonforte ricorda Andrea Manganaro, il vicequestore della Polizia di Stato! – imgpress

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