Pulizia territorio Caltanissetta: nuovo incontro

Plastic Free Odv Onlus is a volunteer association founded on July 29, 2019, with the aim of informing and raising awareness about the dangers of plastic pollution. Originally a digital platform, the organization has grown rapidly and now has over 1,000 representatives throughout Italy. The volunteers are involved in various projects, such as cleanies.

Plastic Free Caltanissetta is the local section of the association that focuses on cleaning streets, gardens, forests, and beaches from abandoned waste. On October 1st, anyone who wants to join the team and contribute to maintaining hygiene in the area can participate in this initiative. The goal is to combat the irresponsible practice of littering and promote proper waste disposal.

The representatives of the association emphasized the importance of responsible waste collection, following the rules of recycling for plastic, paper, glass, aluminum, and nonorio

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