Appunti di viaggio nel 1154: scopri la Sicilia e Palermo

Elh ambassadors sent to various places providing measurements and descriptions. The book, considered a betrayal by Muslims, was published along with a world map. Elh seven climates, placing Sicily in the 4th climate, 2nd compartment. The book includes descriptions of all known lands at the time, including the “dark Ocean” described as a place of fog, huge waves, terrifying storms, and monsters. Eled by Luigi Santagati, including a topographic map. Santagati provides multiple translations to offer a wider range of possibilities to readers. Ele many places being destroyed by Frederick II of Swabia, Elh the main mosque accommodating up to 7,000 worshippers. The Borgo surrounds the city and is described as a wonderful city with an abundance of water. Elinerary of 39 places along the coast and a 1,176.77 km internal tour of strategic locations. Throughout the book, there is a strong emphasis on places with abundant water, which symbolize beauty and joy for the Arabs. The author wonders what Elh its artificial lake, fountain, and new warehouses.

Appunti di viaggio nella “perla” del 1154: vi sveliamo com’erano la Sicilia (e Palermo)

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