Antonio Presti, il Don Chisciotte dell’arte: una lotta eterna tra bellezza e regole

Antonio Presti, an artist and cultural activist, has been fighting against the authorities to protect and preserve the art installations in Fiumara since 1986. Despite receiving support from the President of the Region, Renato Schifani, and the President of the Order of Architects, Iano Monaco, Presti is tired and disillusioned. He recently closed down his art-filled hotel, Atelier sul Mare, and is uncertain about reopening. Presti believes that the system rejects and undermines acts of donating beauty. He has faced legal battles, bombings, and extortion attempts throughout the years. Despite the challenges, Presti remains dedicated to his mission of bringing beauty to communities and creating cultural projects. He had successfully revitalized the Oreto Valley and Estuary in the past but was disappointed when the project was abandoned by the mayor at the time. In contrast, his project in Librino, a neighborhood in Catania, was embraced and celebrated by the local community. Presti values respect and protection for his artistic creations and hopes that the local authorities will do the same. He appreciates the recent support from Schifani, who has promised assistance in managing the Foundation and Park, and hopes for the completion of other approved artworks in Fiumara.

Antonio Presti, il Don Chisciotte dell’arte: un’eterna lotta fra bellezza e regole

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