Record: a Messina è stato realizzato l’arancino più grande del mondo (FOTO).

Stefano and Davide Ferro, owners of the Panificio Panyllo bakery in Messina, have achieved a new world record by creating the largest arancino in the world. The event, called “MEGARANCINO: the biggest arancino in the world: there’s a story inside”, took place in Messina’s Piazza Duomo. The arancino weighed 56.2 kg, surpassing the previous record of 32.7 kg. The judge, Lorenzo Veltri, known for his appearances on the TV show “Lo Show dei Record”, awarded the title. The Ferro brothers expressed their happiness and gratitude towards everyone who supported them in achieving this prestigious international title. The mayor of Messina, Federico Basile, and the councilor for Events and Major Events, Massimo Finocchiaro, were also present at the event.

Messina, realizzato l’arancino più grande del mondo: è record FOTO

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